Monday, January 10, 2011

Popol Vuh: The Dawn of Life

The Popol Vuh was a very interesting story to read. It is the Mayan version of the Bible. It talked about how the God’s wanted to make people who would worship them and obey their preaching’s, which goes completely different from the Christian Bible that says Adam and Eve were made to bring other humans into this world. It’s not the actual way that I think the God’s (actually I only believe there is one God) made people but it was an interesting take. Growing up in a Christian household I have always believed that there is one God and the he did his best work the first time. He didn’t need to create different prototypes and keep attempting to get the humans right. They either weren’t smart enough didn’t have a soul or couldn’t function properly like the God’s wanted them too. It was very creative but yet different in the way that they made them out of wood and mud and other materials. It was a very good story to read for this fact, showed great imagination. I don’t really agree with the fact that they wanted humans just so they had someone to worship them. They sound very self centered around themselves. That shouldn’t be the purpose for creating life. But with that being said it does make sense. Different parts of the Popol Vuh did follow along with parts of the Bible and sounded the same. It gives me a different perspective on how things could be. It’s good to not be so one sided on things. I enjoy reading about other cultures and religions and find it very interesting.

1 comment:

  1. You make a really good point about how a person can be faithful to his or her own tradition, but it is still interesting to consider the stories from other traditions. The imaginative situations that come up in the Popol Vuh are so different from what an American imagination would come up with, so it sort of stretches our imaginations.
