Monday, January 24, 2011

My View on Márquez

Márquez wrote two very interesting short stories. The first entitled "A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings" I think many people could relate too. I felt horrible for the angel because everyone kept treating him so badly. He was the one who didn't fit in and wasn't taken care of. I feel like this relates to a lot of people. They are the odd one out and everyone just ignores them. They don't pay any attention at all that he is even an angel. They treat him like he is worth nothing. I don't think this is right. The people who he lives with build this great big house and then make him live out in the back. People are like this today. They are willing to build big houses for themselves but not do anything for anyone else. The story really got me frustrated and made me feel so bad for the angel. Then he gets sick and there is no one to even take care of him. I don't think anyone should have to go through something like that alone.


In the second story "The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World" I thought was very funny. It reminded me of the movie "Weekend at Bernie's". They take something as sad as someone dying and change it into a comedy. The whole story is built up with the people of the village taking the mans body and gossiping about it all over town. They become so involved with the body they begin to imagine his life. Then they just throw it off a cliff. What a way to end a story. They spent so much time working on him and then just dispose of him like its nothing. I really thought that it was a good way to describe how some people are today. They build something up in their mind so great that they start to believe that's the truth. The whole town started believing the stories about Esteban. I thought it was rather comical and interesting how they spoke about him.

Both stories are very similar. Both could clearly never happen for starters. They are too fictional. Both goes into detail about a man who is treated great and then despised by the people in their city. It hooks you in and makes you feel bad for both of the men. It just goes to show you how people really can act.

1 comment:

  1. For anything we read in this class, don't ever think that they are anything less than totally fictional! Even the movie Entre Nos becomes a myth in the film even though it is based on someone's life. I think you are right that these stories do illuminate the greed and narcissism of modern life.
