Monday, February 14, 2011

Zorro Reader Response

The Zorro graphic novel I thought was so interesting! Before reading this I had never read or watched anything about Zorro. But this graphic novel it actually one that is interesting. It was so much better to read than a novel. I got so wrapped up in the story it was such an easy read. The fact that Zorro goes through so much to become Zorro is inspiring. After everything happening with his mother it really takes a toll on him. He sees her get murdered and everything, I'm not sure I would be able to overcome something like that. The fact that they used Spanish throughout the no were saying anything. It made it feel more like I was actually in the novel. I could picture everything that was going on so much better. Being that I know some Spanish it was really neat to understand what they were saying.

The graphics are so emotional and they don't even have to say a lot or show a lot in them. The way the artist shows the boxes by making them smaller, bigger, or separate and its own thing really gets the idea of how you are supposed to read the story across. It shows the reader what is most important while reading. The graphic that touched me emotionally was the rape scene. Even though they actually didn't show anything but a bed and legs hanging over, that picture spoke more words than any other picture would have. It left it all up to the reader to decide what was going to happen. The fact that it didn't say anything left so much more of an impact. You knew what was  going to happen and could only imagine what was going on. That is one of the most powerful and emotional pictures I have ever seen. Especially for not even having that much going on in the actual picture.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that the mixing of Spanish and English in the text is good. I just wish they had incorporated more Spanish! You also make an excellent point about how less is more in the graphics world. Some people seem to forget this, especially young men when they are putting on cologne.
